These two have been together for roughly twenty years and in August they’ll be getting married in gorgeous Castello di Buttrio, and I can’t wait to be a part of their wedding day. :) Alessandra and Riccardo are extremely joyous, no, that’s an understatement, they’re really awesome. I hardly even had to give directions, because they just enjoyed each other’s company so much, they danced and kissed, and so little did they care that they were doing that in Venice … on a busy Sunday with a bunch of people around. :) Thank you My Italian wedding planner for sending them my way! <3
Alessandra in Riccardo se bosta poročila konec avgusta in komaj čakam njun poročni dan, ki bo potekal na čudovitem gradu Buttrio v Udinah, obdan z vinogradi. :) Njuno zaročno fotografiranje smo organizirali v Benetkah in čeprav je bila gneča na nedeljo velika, sem bila prijetno presenečena, da ju to sploh ni zmotilo. Obratno, tako razigranega in sproščenega para že dolgo nisem fotografirala.
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